The programmatic buying of digital ads has transformed the display market over the last few years. The proportion of display ads bought programmatically continues to rise year on year - The Boston Consulting Group estimates that the total digital display and video ad market in APAC will increase from $14.5 billion in 2017 to $19.0 billion in 2020 and that programmatic’s share will rise from 19% to 36% over this period. And the ever-expanding display LumaScape demonstrates just how many moving parts the modern marketer has to juggle. Therefore it makes sense that third-party audience data can sometimes get overlooked as there remains some common misconceptions about the role it can play.
When Eyeota first started in 2010, programmatic buying of inventory was just starting to take off, but there was a dire lack of quality third-party audience data. So, the company was born to fill this gap in the market.
A large majority of Australians believe it is unacceptable for companies to collect personal data to tailor ads, but few actually do something about it.
Some 92% said it was unacceptable for organisations to collect personal financial data, while 89% said likewise for health and financial data, and another 89% said companies should not be scraping contents of messages or email for the purpose of tailoring ads and offers to consumers.
If you market to travelers, which many marketers do, considering lifestyles shouldn't be an option. Travel plans can tell marketers a lot about a consumer's lifestyle and buying habits such as the type of climate they prefer, annual amount they will spend on non-discretionary items, and preferences for either low-dollar or high-dollar brands.
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